Sunday 10 June 2012

Run for your life

We did it! We only bloody well went for a run.

Yesterday after a bit of pre-run shopping (the mister got new trainers and shorts, I got some stretchy running pants - I'm a sucker for spending money to make sure I've got the right kit before I even give a new activity a go) we set off for our first run at 12:07.

We walked down to the bottom of our street before joining the tarmac path that runs between some houses and the crematorium before skirting the nearby golf course. The weather was a bit overcast but warm and we even felt a few spots of rain. 

We set off at a fairly steady pace and I reckon I managed to run for about 3 or 4 minutes before I had to stop for my first walking break. We alternated walking and running the rest of the way although I'm sure Mr Wiz could have done less walking and more running than I managed. 

My big problem isn't so much that my legs or muscles hurt (although they did a bit) but more that I just can't control my breathing very well yet. I have mild asthma and rarely need to use my inhaler but running just seems to set me off. I'd taken my inhaler before we set off and I didn't have any wheezing at all but I just get out of breath really quickly and I can't figure out a way to push through it.  I know I tend to breath through my mouth and that just leads to panting and eventually I give up because I feel like I just can't get my breath. I try to breath in through my nose and out through my mouth like I've been told but I nearly always have a slightly blocked nose, especially at this time of year in the middle of hayfever season so it's easy said than done.

Anyway, we made it all the way round our planned route without stopping even if we were walking some of the time. We got back to the house at 12:44. So that's 4.3km in 37 minutes. Not too bad for a first go I reckon. I'm walking like an arthritic 80 year old today but you know, at least we've taken the first step. The plan now is to stick to the same route and just try and run more and walk less until we can get all the way round without walking at all. We're going to go for attempt number 2 on Tuesday after work so we'll see how that one goes. 

The main thing is we did it. We didn't just talk about doing it, we actually got of our arses and ran. Now we just need to keep on doing it. I'm not going to say running is my new favourite thing just yet but I didn't entirely hate it and that's good enough for now. 

I just need to follow this advice...

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